The portable
Designed to Travel
Like all great products, the Bridger Boiler was created out of necessity to solve a problem. How can I bring my entire European Mount creation system with in the field? The Bridger Boiler System is designed to easily allow for packing, traveling, setup and use of a boiling, cleaning, and whiting system for use while in the field, at base camp, or even the back yard.
The Bridger boiler consists of a fully welded aluminum boiler box, integral support legs with burner attachment, 150,000 Btu cast iron burner with 20PSI regulator, Antler support bar with hardware, nose leveling support bar, split stainless steel covers, and optional 5lb propane tank. All of which will conveniently fit inside to insure you will always have what you need.
Benefits of the boiler, legally travel across states lines, immediate reward of a complete trophy mount, no wasted time looking for a local taxidermist to complete your European mount, no more waiting 6-12 months to receive your mount back and No costly shipping charges of completed taxidermy
Transport Your Trophy
Currently 41 states and 8 Canadian providences have some sort of law regulating the transportation of Cervid body parts including heads and skulls from Elk, Whitetail, Mule deer, Moose and Caribou. In order to legally import or export skulls into many of these states most regulations state that “the skulls and skull plates must be free from all spinal column, brain matter and soft tissues” some even require them to be disinfected or a “completed taxidermy mount”. The easiest way to do this is with the Bridger boiler
Please check with fish and wildlife agency regulations in the states you plan to hunt, travel through and final destinations of trophies to make sure you comply with all laws. For additional information please visit the following link.